This treatment, which completely avoids surgery, has great advantages for patients. Permanent or temporary colostomy is avoided thanks to the non-surgical treatment of rectal cancer. In addition, the bowel, bladder and sexual functions…
More InformationWith successful cancer surgery performed with da Vinci Surgery, that is, da Vinci robotic surgery, the length of stay, the time to return to life decrease, and the probability of having a second operation decreases. Prof. Dr. Oktar ASOĞLU is among the surgeons recommended by “da Vinci Surgery” worldwide.
Read More »Colon (large intestine) and rectal (after the large intestine) cancers are the second most common cancers in the United States. While 140,000 new cases are encountered annually, an average…
The stomach is an organ located in the abdomen, between the esophagus and the small intestines. The stomach ensures that the food taken with nutrition is stored and disintegrated,…
The esophagus is a tubular organ, surrounded by muscles, located between the pharynx and the stomach. It provides the transmission of food taken from the mouth to the stomach….
The pancreas is a secretory organ located at the back of the stomach, producing the enzymes necessary for digestion and transferring them to the duodenum, the first part of…